Friday, November 14, 2014

John Mulaney: New in Town

Like I said I watch stand up when I get stressed out.... It makes me laugh and I feel better... So after I watched Patton Oswalds stand up I stumbled across John Mulaney: New in Town and I thought this guy looks as awkward as me so let's give it a chance and my assumption was correct..... He was so funny in that awkward smart ass way I like in a standup and try to be in real life
The way he set up stories and jokes was great and like all great jokes and stories he made them about his daily life.... These types of stand ups always make me feel better because I can laugh at someone else's misfortunes for a while.... And somehow I always think my stories would make good stand up ... So I get some kind of false confidence out of it.
For real though this guy was great to watch and it's on Netflix which pretty much everyone has so it's readlily available.... So if you are struggling to find something to watch look this guy up....I wasn't disappointed.

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