As I was scrolling through my facebook I read a post about 30 Days of Night and I had to watch myself.
Before I start I just want to throw out that I'm somewhat biased to this movie....all though it may not be one of the best movies there is it has one of my favorite scenes of all time in I talk it up more then i probably should.
I get chills every time I hear the lead vampire look at the woman and tell her "no god" and then kill her.....that is something this movie got very right and that is the vampires were bad ass.........they were brutal, bloody, and didn't give nary a fuck.....the portrayal of vampires in this movie is enough of a reason to watch it.....but my favorite performance out of this movie is that of Ben Fosters........every time he spoke I was overwhelmed with fear of what was going to happen next.
This movie was a intense ride......something was always happening even when you least expect it.
This movie was far from scary so don't go in thinking that or you will be extremely disappointed.....but it is one of the creepier movies I have scene.
It shows a child eating someone and a man have his head flattened.
One thing I hate about this style of movie is a dog some how always ends up dead and in this movie all of the dogs ended up dead........I know for the sake of the story that it had to happen....if there were dogs they would have let people know that vampires were on the way.....but I just wish they would not write any dogs in the script.
Overall I give this movie an 7 out of 10...
I wish more people would have liked this movie as much as I did.....I also want to go out saying that I haven't read the graphic novel and that may be why I don't hate it....but I plan to read it soon and then I may revisit the subject.
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